Birds Can Damage Your Vents

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As harmless as they seem, birds can actually damage your vents at home by nesting in them. Birds love making their nests in holes or hollow trees. The vents in a household are very enticing for birds to turn into their natural habitat because they are warm and safe.

Kitchen vents, dryer vents and mostly bathroom vents are very favored by birds. Checking those vents on a regular basis, mainly in Spring season can save you and your home from a lot of trouble and even save you from fires. Birds will build their nests using twigs, grass and leaves. A nest can clog a vent and the passage for air. A clogged vent which is also subject to heat can start a fire which will easily spread inside a house. Quick and immediate action to remove nests from within your household can save lives.

If you see or suspect nests in your vents, call on bird nests removal experts on the spot before the problem gets worse.

While most think that it’s not a big deal for birds to seek refuge inside their house vents, birds are able to cause damage to those vents. The longer they are left lying around, the more severe the damage becomes.
Dr. Clean Air can easily rid you of such bird issues, all you have to do is contact us and our experts are more than happy to oblige.