Steps to take for your dryer machine problems

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     There are a handful of reasons your dryer machine isn’t doing its job. By taking the steps below, you can solve your dryer machine problems , determine why your dryer is not drying, and find out how to fix it.

1. Make sure it isn’t overloaded :

One of the most common answers to the question “Why my dryer not drying”  also one of the easiest to fix. The issue: You’re packing way too many items into the dryer. “It is important to make sure your dryer become far of  overloaded,” says Childers. “Overloading the dryer can cause issues with drying performance and noise when too much weight is inside the dryer.”

When you squeeze too many clothes into the dryer (an attempt to do fewer loads of laundry, no doubt), you decrease the airflow needed to properly dry clothes, which might explain why your clothes come out hot but not dry. Overloading also makes the dryer work harder, uses more energy, and increases drying time. Childers suggests never filling the dryer drum more than three-quarters full.

Clean the filter

Failing to clean lint out of the dryer’s filter isn’t just getting in the way of drying your clothes. It’s also the leading cause of dryer fires, warns the U.S. Fire Administration. “We recommend making sure the lint screen is clean and that you clean the screen before every use,” Ashby explains. “Wet lint is harder to remove, so don’t scrub or use water.” Start by removing the screen by pulling it up, then gently remove the lint from the screen by hand and put the lint trap back. “If you notice lint collecting on areas of the screen or plugging the mesh, the screen may be more difficult to clean by hand,” says Ashby. That’s where a heavier cleaning comes in.

How to Clean a Dryer

Clean deep inside the vent

If you’re not able to schedule a service appointment, you can do it yourself by purchasing a vent cleaning kit and follow these essential steps.

  1. Locate your dryer’s exhaust vent and remove the plastic cover that protects the end of the vent.
  2. Unplug your dryer’s power supply cord. “If you have a gas model, you’ll want to close the shut-off valve in the gas supply line, then disconnect and cap the supply line pipe,” he says.
  3. Remove any tape or clamps holding the exhaust vent pipe to the vent on the back of your dryer.
  4. Push the brush from your dryer cleaning kit as gently and as far as possible into either end of your dryer duct. Make sure to follow any turns or corners.