Legal Implications of Bird Removal

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Legal Implications of Bird Removal

Many people don’t realize that bird removal like swallows, swifts, orioles and woodpeckers from your property can have serious legal implications. Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, most native bird species are federally protected from removal, killing or capture without proper permits.

Why the Strict Laws for bird removal?

These migratory bird laws help maintain stable populations of many species that face threats like habitat loss, pesticides and predators. Obtaining permits ensures removal is only done when necessary and uses humane methods that don’t harm birds.

Removal Permit Requirements

Federal and state permits issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and state wildlife agencies dictate strict rules for legally removing birds:

  • Permits are only granted when birds create health, safety, or structural issues. Aesthetic or noise concerns are generally not sufficient reasons.
  • Removal is limited to nests currently in active use. Sealing empty or unused nests is often all that’s required.
  • Only humane removal methods are allowed like installing exclusion devices or deterrents to passively prevent nesting.

Penalties for Unlicensed Removal

Individuals and companies that remove protected birds without permits face fines up to $15,000 per bird – and potentially jail time in some cases. Unpermitted removals are a federal crime.

Hiring a professional bird removal company with the proper permits ensures compliance with the law and protection from penalties. Performing removals without permits leaves companies legally liable and open to potential lawsuits.

In summary, bird removal laws protect fragile populations and biodiversity. Following the strict permit process helps balance management needs while enforcing humane removal practices. Hiring an unlicensed remover can leave both you and the company open to legal consequences.In summary, dozens of native bird species are federally protected by law, so professional removal services require specific permits and techniques to work legally. Hiring an unlicensed remover may leave both the contractor and property owner open to consequences. Following the letter of the law helps maintain stable bird populations for future generations.

Many people don’t realize that bird removal like swallows, swifts, orioles and woodpeckers from your property can have serious legal implications. Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, most native bird species are federally protected from removal, killing or capture without proper permits. Why the Strict Laws for bird removal? These migratory bird laws help maintain […]