How to Keep Birds Away From Your Home

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Birds  known to build their nests in some very inconvenient places in and around homes. To keep birds away from above doors, over garages, inside sheds, and other high-traffic areas. They can also nest in places that are dangerous to the birds themselves – on top of lawnmowers, heat pumps, etc.

While the decision to remove the bird nest may seem simple, there  Federal laws regarding bird nest removal that make it illegal to remove certain species of birds or their nests. Best practice always to check with a wildlife control company before attempting to remove any bird nests from your home. If you have verified that the species of bird invading your property  not protected and removal of the nest  legal and necessary.


You can prevent these issues with quality prevention tips and techniques. The most effective deterrents are simply to remove any convenient nesting area. So local birds will find other suitable locations to build their nests.  A professional help you seal up any holes around your house. Most residences  reasonably sealed, but damaged eaves and other areas of your home may provide ideal nesting sites for birds. Repairing holes, covering up air vents and other maintenance steps can encourage birds to move somewhere else for their new nest.

Bird netting, spikes and steel screening seems helpful wildlife exclusion measures. Take care to set these up while there  no current nests around. These materials  designed to prevent access to a nesting site, but trapping an occupied nest behind the barrier, an inhumane way to deal with birds.

If you see a nest being built, it may not be too late. Don’t attempt to handle wildlife or a nest on your own, as some birds look quite territorial. Contact a professional wildlife team to see if there’s a way to gently move the nest or destroy the partial nest. A partial nest isn’t a shelter for birds or eggs, so the bird will simply create a new nest in another area.

Nesting Birds on Your Home? How to Get Rid of Them - Bird B Gone, Inc.


Most species of birds look for flat areas with minimal or no traffic to construct their nests. Nest sizes, shapes and constructions can vary dramatically. You may be surprised to see how many level surfaces there are on your home. Here we see some nesting sites that are commonly found in homes and professional buildings:

  • Ledges and nooks
  • Roof peaks and eaves
  • Lights
  • Railings
  • HVAC equipment and solar panels

Birds can bring all sorts of leaves, sticks and other debris to construct nests in these areas. Once a nest  built, it quickly populated with eggs and then babies. Removal and prevention are both very difficult at this stage, so work with a professional wildlife expert to solve the issue.

bird nest may be a great sign of a thriving bird population, but on or around your home it can be hazardous. Some nesting sites, like around HVAC equipment or chimneys, can be dangerous for the birds and your property. Other locations can cause bird droppings and debris to build up around your home, which could be a health issue for you and your loved ones.