Homemade Sprays to Naturally Repel Birds

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Birds like pigeons, sparrows and starlings can be nuisance nesting in undesirable areas. While exclusion methods like netting and trap doors offer permanent solutions, bird repellent sprays provide a natural, temporary deterrent. Here are three easy-to-make sprays for keeping birds away.

Peppermint Oil Spray

Mix 1/2 cup water, 4 drops peppermint essential oil and 2 drops dish soap in a spray bottle. Shake well.

Peppermint oil contains menthol which irritates birds’ respiratory systems, causing them to avoid the treated area. Nonetheless, this spray has a light scent that’s pleasant for humans.

Furthermore, spray areas where birds typically gather. Mist window sills, screens, ledges and other nooks that attract nesting or perching birds.

Reapply every 2-3 days, or after it rains. The spray’s effects diminish over time, requiring periodic reapplication.

Cayenne Pepper Spray

Mix 1/4 cup cayenne powder and 2 cups water in a bowl. Let sit for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Additionally, strain soluion into spray bottle. Seal bottle and shake well. Spray onto target areas.

Cayenne irritates birds’ eyes, beaks and feet, causing them to seek quieter perches. However, thorough spraying is required for best results.

In addition, reapply weekly or as needed. Cayenne spray washes off easily, losing effectiveness quickly.

Consequently, both essential oil and cayenne sprays provide natural yet temporary relief from nuisance birds. However, physical exclusion methods like netting offer the most permanent solution.

Hot Sauce And dish soap spray

Mix 1/2 cup hot sauce, 1/2 cup water and 2 drops dish soap in a spray bottle. Shake well.

Hot sauce contains the same irritants as cayenne pepper, naturally repelling nuisance birds. The dish soap acts as a surfactant, helping the spray coat all surfaces evenly.

In summary, these three simple, homemade bird repellent sprays – peppermint oil, cayenne pepper and hot sauce – offer natural, chemical-free ways to temporarily discourage unwanted birds. While they require reapplication due to wash-off, the ingredients are safe for the environment. For the most permanent solution, combine repellent sprays with physical barriers that block bird entry and nesting points. But for a quick, natural fix, whip up one of these DIY bird deterrent sprays and mist away unwanted winged guests.