Air Duct Cleaning Tips

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Air Duct Cleaning Tips

Air Duct Cleaning

Air  duct cleaning involves cleaning debris from all ducts, registers, grills and other components of a forced air system.

Because the ducts are behind walls and above the ceiling, the only way to clean them effectively is by using a high-powered, truck-mounted vacuum and compression system.

Air Duct Cleaning Tips:

1. Assess For Mold

Mold develops in areas where moisture accumulates with inadequate ventilation. If mold develops inside your air ducts, it can create an unhealthy indoor environment because as air travels through the ducts, mold spores will release into this air and enter your living areas. If mold develops, it will appear inside the hard surfaces of the air ducts or on other areas of a heating and cooling system. While you may be able to see areas that appear to have mold, the only way to ascertain definitively that you have mold is to conduct a laboratory analysis of a sample from your air ducts. Lacking this sample, you won’t know for sure whether you have a mold issue.

If insulated air ducts develop mold with moist and moldy insulation, the best course of action is to remove the damaged insulation and replace it.

2. Check For Clogs And Debris

It’s also possible for clogs to accumulate in air ducts from debris and even from rodents and insects. If this happens to an extreme degree, you might even notice particles releasing into the air from the air ducts. The danger from these particles blowing into your home comes from possible mold and  mildew. That might develop from decaying organic matter.

Tips for Choosing an Excellent Air Duct Cleaning Company – Soul Fluff

3. Get A Cleaning Estimate

Because the air  duct system is likely extensive, traveling through areas of your home that may be difficult to access, it’s usually a good idea to hire a professional air duct cleaner. Supervise the estimate process so you see how the representative examines your ducts to arrive at the estimate. If the representative suggests that mold exists in your ducts, insist on laboratory analysis to confirm before proceeding with mold removal.

4. EPA Recommendations

Understand that if you are cleaning out existing mold. Or replacing moldy insulation, part of the repair process has to include remedying the environment that enabled mold to develop in the first place. If you don’t fix these issues, more mold will develop.

5. Choose A Professional

Research any companies that you consider hiring for air duct cleaning. Get references or testimonials from satisfied customers.