Tips For Keeping Birds Away

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Keeping birds cause a whole host of problems around your home and property. They can fly into your home and windows. They can build nests on or near your home, causing damage to your house or just being a noisy pest. Nests can clog gutters, downspouts, drains, vents, and chimneys. Bird droppings contain uric acid and can eat away at paint and building materials on cars and homes.

Birds and their droppings are known to carry over 60 diseases including E. coli, salmonellosis, and cryptococcosis. So the best way to avoid such diseases keeping birds away and the easiest way to that can be shown here

  • Bird Deterrents

Visual bird deterrents are products designed to scare off birds or prevent them from landing or roosting where you don’t want them to. Their efficacy depends on the type of bird you are dealing with and the type of deterrent you are using. There is a wide range of choices when it comes to these deterrents. Many include gel because its reflective surface looks like fire to them. It also feels sticky if birds land on it. Some of these deterrents are also scented, many with peppermint oil, to also help deter birds from getting near them.

  • Reflective Deterrents

There is a wide range of products you can use as a reflective deterrent, from prefabricated spirals to DIY aluminum foil strips. The most important thing to remember is to use something highly reflective that also moves with the wind. It also helps to move it around frequently or even take it down for a while to trick the birds into thinking it’s real.

  • Implement bird roosting spikes

Birds get tired of flying and rest on ledges, balconies, fences, walls, or anything they can grip easily. If your home has a lot of these surfaces, then expect lots of birds to stop by often.

Bird Removal: How Bird Netting Works | Animal Remover

  •  Dumpsters and Trash

    Birds appreciate dumpsters and trash bins because they offer an easy supply of food. When food is scarce, dumpsters and trash bins can be the only reliable source of nourishment. Non-native birds, like pigeons, often gather at dumpsters and trash bins where food is accessible. These sites also attract bugs, another food source for them.
    A rule of thumb in wildlife management is to remove the food source to remove the animal. You can avoid creating this attraction by securing your waste in bags and limiting the accessibility of food. Take the extra step of closing the lid to a dumpster or trash bin — this makes it even more difficult for birds and other animals to get into them. When they lose access to their food source, they will relocate.
  • Roofs

They can drastically shorten the life of your roof. Deter birds from staying on your roof by doing regular maintenance. Fill holes or gaps in your roof where birds can potentially build nests. Ensure that water can’t pool on your roof, as these small ponds offer opportunities for drinking or bathing.