HVAC Safety Devices

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Ensuring critical safety devices in your HVAC system are working properly helps avoid breakdowns, malfunctions and potential hazards.

Pressure Switches

Firstly, pressure switches monitor air pressure in parts of the HVAC system to detect issues that could lead to failures or inefficiencies. Test switches by manually introducing the conditions they monitor, then checking if the system responds as designed. Replace any defective switches immediately.


Additionally, thermostats control your HVAC system’s operation and shut it down under certain conditions. Test them by raising and lowering the set temperature to verify the equipment turns on and off accordingly. Make sure calibration is correct and replace thermostats showing inaccurate readings.

Rollout Switches

Furthermore, rollout switches automatically shut off gas furnaces if the heat exchanger becomes blocked and overheats. Test them by gently pushing the switch trip lever, then listen if the unit cuts off as it should. Replace faulty switches to reduce fire risks.

Limit Switches

Likewise, limit switches shut down your HVAC equipment when parts reach their maximum or minimum range of safe movement. Inspect belt-driven components to ensure switches are engaged when they should be. Replace any defective switches to avoid equipment damage.

Blower Motor Controls

Controls on furnace blower motors activate the blowers when needed to distribute heated or cooled air. Remove the blower cover and manually test the control circuit to verify it works properly. Replace controls that do not activate the motor.

Safety Circuitry

Connections, relays and wiring that form the electrical safety circuits on HVAC equipment should also be checked for integrity and corrosion. Repair or replace wires and other components that appear damaged.

Test Annually

In summary, testing safety devices within your heating and cooling system on at least an annual basis is important for safety, performance and equipment protection. Even if your HVAC unit is functioning well, the devices that monitor and protect critical parts can fail silently over time. Taking the simple step of testing pressure switches, thermostats, rollout switches, limit switches and safety circuitry can uncover issues before they become serious problems.