Cleaning an HVAC Filter

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clean your HVAC filter, first turn off your heating or air conditioner. Locate your HVAC unit’s service panel, and open it to find the filter. Clean the filter with running water, such as your sink or garden hose. Allow your HVAC filter to air dry completely before reinserting!

How to Clean an Air Conditioner Filter in 4 Easy Steps - Bob Vila

How to Clean Your HVAC Filters

Follow these steps to clean your reusable HVAC air filter:

  1. Turn off your HVAC unit.

  2. Place the filter on the ground facing up and vacuum as much of the dust and debris as possible. This should remove most of the dust and loose debris. If your filter has grime buildup, move on to step

  3. Let the filter dry thoroughly before reinserting.

Even if you have a reusable air filter, they need to be replaced when showing signs of wear and tear. Make sure to check your air filter for excessive grime, tears, holes, or other signs of damage.

How to Clean a Washable Air FilterHow to Clean an AC Filter | HGTV

  1. Open the Filter Cover

    Many filter covers have latches that can be opened to access the filter; however, some are attached with screws that you need to remove with a screwdriver. Be sure to put the screws in a safe place. If you are working on an overhead HVAC vent, use a sturdy stepladder.

  2. Rinse Away the Dust

    Now that the bulk of the dust has been removed, move to a sink and hold the filter under warm water or use the spray attachment to remove smaller dust particles. Start at one side and work your way down the filter so that the dirty water runs off of it and doesn’t redeposit on the filter.

  3. Dry the Filter

    It is very important to completely dry the filter with a soft towel before reinserting it into any appliance. If possible, place the filter outside or in front of a fan to make sure it is completely dry before reinserting. While you are waiting for the filter to dry, clean the appliance or vent opening where you removed the air filter to get rid of any dust or cobwebs.

    How to Clean an HVAC Air Filter

    For best results, plan to clean your home’s air filters about once a month and replace them about every six months. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the best way to clean your air conditioner or furnace filter, but the steps below will work for most reusable filters.

    step 1: Turn off the power and locate the filter.

    Before you begin, turn off your HVAC unit to prevent unfiltered air from circulating around your home while cleaning. Locate the vent and use a screwdriver to open the unit. Some systems might include multiple vents that each contain a filter, so be sure to clean them all. Remove the filter and inspect it for damage. Replace the filter if necessary; otherwise, continue on to vacuuming.

    Step 2: Vacuum the air filter.

    Take the filter outside if possible to avoid stirring up dust inside your home. Use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to remove debris from the filter. Run the brush across the filter to gently loosen stuck-on buildup.