A high efficiency fireplace burning provides a suitable heating option for homes with enough space to accommodate them. These fireplaces feature a firebox separated from the interior of the home by a sheet of ceramic, heat resistant glass.
Here are some tips to ensure your fireplace is burning efficiently:

• First,use dry, seasoned firewood. Dry wood burns better than wet wood. Seasoned wood has less moisture than freshly cut wood. Properly cured firewood will have bark that comes off easily and inner bark that is light colored.
• Then,select a high-quality wood. Hardwoods like oak, maple, ash and hickory have higher heating value than softwoods. Avoid treated wood which contains chemicals.
• In addition,stack wood properly. Firewood should be stacked off the ground in a dry, covered area. Seasoning takes 6-12 months. The top should be covered while allowing for some airflow.
• Also,start with smaller logs. Seasoned, loose cottonwood, birch or juniper logs are excellent for starting a fire. Their high sap and resin content helps them light quickly and burn hot.
• Then,add fuel properly. Add logs one at a time, keeping the fire open and airy. Never overload the fireplace. Leave air gaps between logs for maximum airflow and efficiency.
• Furthermore,encourage good airflow. Having an open, unblocked flue or chimney allows exhaust, smoke and hot gases to escape efficiently. Excessive smoke means the fire is smoldering inefficiently.
• Moreover,use a fireplace tool set. Proper tools like poker, tongs, shovels and bellows help maintain the fire, move logs into the optimal configuration and get the fire burning hot and fast when starting a new fire.
• Also,consider a cast iron insert. An EPA-certified wood-burning insert can improve efficiency by up to 50% compared to an open fireplace. Double glass doors help retain more heat in the home.
• Next,burn natural wood; do not burn trash, pressure-treated wood, painted or treated wood. These burn inefficiently and release toxic fumes.
• Also,check for air leaks. Look for any air leaks or drafts around the fireplace and seal them to ensure maximum heating efficiency. Weatherstripping tape, caulk, door sweeps or glass gaskets can help seal gaps.
• Then,have a chimney sweep inspect and clean regularly. Creosote buildup reduces draft and decreases efficiency and safety. Have chimneys inspected and cleaned by a professional once a year or if creosote is over 1/4 inch thick.
• Finally,consider a wood-burning stove instead. An airtight wood-burning stove tends to be safer and more efficient than an open fireplace. Stoves provide more consistent and controllable heat.
Following these tips will help you burn firewood in the most efficient and safe manner possible in your fireplace or wood-burning stove. Let me know if you have any other questions!