How Air Ducts Affect Our Lives

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Uncleaned Air Ducts Affect Your Health 

Air ducts  affect our lives in many different way. And stop some serious health issues from occurring according to proved studies . keeping our homes professionally cleaned, improves the overall health of all family members. Medical research studies today proved that the health of patients suffering from pulmonary health conditions improved when air ducts were cleaned frequently.

other health issues occur when our home is not cleaned professionally like

  • Pet dander, dust, pollen, and other allergens can build up in the ducts and  be blown throughout the home.
  • People with  allergies usually seemed the most particularly affected, especially kids.
  • Rodents and insects can find a home where you DON’T want, they often carry disease, bite, get into your home.


Air Ducts Affect Your Resident's Health

  • Dirty air ducts causes the “sick building syndrome”                                                                                                                                    When the air ducts become dirty many problems occur . Pet dander, dust, pollen, and other allergens  stuck in the ducts. These allergens accumulate over time while the air ducts  use , these allergens  blown around and distribute throughout the building. Breathing this polluted air may not cause allergies to some people, but in the long run, it may cause another severe respiratory disease.

Dirty air ducts cause odors

First of all  , the presence of  mold in your air ducts  bring a musty odor to your home. It may become less noticeable to you once you  expose  to it for an extended period. Dirty air ducts are not only capable of harboring odors. They can also circulate these unpleasant smells throughout the entire house. However, it will be noticeable to any guests you invite to your home . So if you have never had the ducts professionally cleaned, it can be harder to decipher the source of recurring smells.

For example, the musty smell of mold is much more than a nuisance, it can trigger allergies and cause respiratory problems. Mold  usually found in air ducts that contain some degree of moisture or humidity, while a member of the fungi family and can reproduce in large quantities if not addressed. Mold releases spores into the air,  and distribute  throughout your home if not eradicated from the duct system.

In addition, the amount of dirt and dust that accumulates within an air duct system can be astounding. This debris can become a virtual incubator for bacteria, which can produce bad odors. In addition to giving the air a dreadful smell, bacteria can also enter your living environment and have a negative effect on your health. Fortunately, a thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the air duct system is quite effective at combating bacteria.

Finally , we have Tabaco use. The smoke from cigarettes drawn into a home’s air duct system and permeate the entire house. Even if you gave cleaned or replaced everything in your home. You will notice a smoky odor coming from your vents until your ducts become  professionally cleaned.

Don’t take the risk of not cleaning your air ducts. It affect our lives and health , so taking care of cleaning it by professional help seems great .