How Does Radon Get Into Your Home?

Radon and Building Materials
Some natural building materials, such as granite, stone and some concrete products, can give off very small amounts of radon. However, building materials rarely cause radon problems by themselves. Radon gas in soils is the primary source of radon in homes. If your home has natural building products, including granite countertops, it will generally not contribute a significant amount of radon to the air in your home.
What are the Health Effects of Radon?
Radon exposure is the #1 cause of lung cancer in non- smokers. Exposure to high levels of radon in indoor air results in an increased risk of developing lung cancer. The risk of cancer depends on the level of radon and how long a person is exposed to those levels.
Exposure to radon and tobacco use together can significantly increase your risk of lung cancer.
How do I Test my Home for Radon?
In fact, there are two options for testing a house for radon: purchase a do-it-yourself radon test kit or hire a radon measurement professional. If you choose to purchase a radon test kit, you must closely follow the instructions to properly complete the test.
If you choose to hire a service provider to perform the radon test in your house, it is recommended that you ensure they are certified and will conduct a long term test for a minimum of 3 months.
How can I Reduce the Amount of Radon in my Home?
The most common radon reduction method is called sub-soil depressurization. This system works by sucking air (and radon gas) from beneath the foundation of a home and exhausting it outside. Installation of this system generally consists of a pipe installed through the foundation floor. And connected to an outside wall or up through to the roof line. A small fan is attached to the pipe which draws the radon from below the house to the outside before it can enter your home.