DIY Bird Deterrents and their limits

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DIY Bird Deterrents and their limits

While taking initial steps to discourage unwanted birds on your own can be preferable to immediately calling in the professionals, it’s important to understand the limitations of DIY bird deterrents techniques. Many natural repellents provide a temporary fix but ultimately may not be enough to remove stubborn bird infestations entirely. Let’s review some common at-home bird removal methods and when they’re better left to the experts.

Sound-based deterrents like ultrasonic devices or recorded distress calls can startle birds looking for nesting spots. However, some species will grow accustomed over time, rendering these methods ineffective for established populations. Moving devices to different areas helps but still may not fully remove determined birds.

Visual repellents utilizing reflective tape, old CDs hung from eaves or fake owl statues can also work at first to mimic threatening predators. But as with audio repellents, visual tricks lose their impact once birds realize there’s no real danger. They’ll likely return after initial exposure.

Applying sticky repellents like Tanglefoot around structures makes perching uncomfortable. But these need frequent reapplication and don’t address nests already built in hard-to-reach places. Plus, some substances can damage materials if over-applied.

Cutting back shrubbery and dense trees removes nearby cover, reducing shelter options. This takes time and must be paired with other techniques to clear existing bird areas completely. Simply trimming bushes may displace birds elsewhere on the property.

While clearing away food sources helps discourage gulls, pigeons and doves, removing every possible food scrap can be unrealistic long-term. Zeroing in on removal of active nests and bird removal is critical for permanent solutions.

In summary, DIY deterrents provide temporary relief but rarely fully remedy severe bird situations due to their limitations. The most determined birds will adapt to workarounds over time. When infestations reach large scale, involve damaged buildings or pose health risks, it’s best to contact a professional pest control company for safe, humane and long-lasting bird removal services. Their experience ensures the best solution tailored to your specific bird problem.

While taking initial steps to discourage unwanted birds on your own can be preferable to immediately calling in the professionals, it’s important to understand the limitations of DIY bird deterrents techniques. Many natural repellents provide a temporary fix but ultimately may not be enough to remove stubborn bird infestations entirely. Let’s review some common at-home […]