Blocked Dryer Vents

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When lint, dust and debris clog up dryer vents over time, they dramatically reduce – or even completely block – airflow through the vent ducting. As a result, moisture from wet clothes remains blocked inside the dryer and vent during and after drying cycles. This trapped moisture then accumulates within the vent system itself, causing a host of serious issues.

What Happens When Vents Become Blocked?

When dryer vents become blocked with lint and other debris:

  • Less moist air escapes the vent during and after drying cycles.
  • The trapped air contains water vapor from wet clothes.

This trapped moisture has nowhere to escape and instead accumulates inside the dryer vent itself.

Issues Caused by Moisture Buildup

Large quantities of moisture trapped inside blocked dryer vents create the perfect conditions for mold and mildew growth on inner duct surfaces. The excess moisture also allows musty, mildew-like odors to develop. Eventually, the built-up moisture can even penetrate surrounding areas, making walls and floors feel damp to the touch. Mold release spores that are trapped within clogged vents, which can lead to respiratory issues, aggravations of asthma and allergy symptoms when the moisture-laden air recirculates within the home. The moisture buildup may also damage internal dryer components over time due to constant exposure.

The moisture buildup in blocked dryer vents can lead to:

  • Musty Odors – The air trapped in vents with excess humidity develops moldy odors.
  • Mold Growth -The high moisture levels inside blocked vents promote mold and mildew growth on duct surfaces.
  • Dampness – The moisture eventually seeps into surrounding areas, causing walls and floors to feel damp.
  • Health Risks – Mold releases spores that can cause respiratory issues and allergy symptoms.

Professional Cleaning is Key

To resolve these moisture-related issues:

  • Have dryer vents professionally inspected and cleaned.
  • Technicians use specialized tools to completely remove all blockages that restrict airflow.
  • Once unblocked, the vent can properly remove moist air during and after use, eliminating moisture buildup.
  • Musty odors disappear and mold stops growing inside clean vents with adequate airflow.

Professional dryer vent cleaning is key to resolving moisture-related problems from blocked vents. Technicians use specialized tools and equipment to remove all blockages restricting airflow, including built-up lint, dust, pet hair and more. Once unblocked, the vent ducting can then properly expel moist air during and after drying cycles, eliminating excess trapped moisture inside the vent.

Musty odors dissipate, mold stops growing and any dampness issues typically resolve once proper airflow through the vent is reestablished. So staying proactive with annual dryer vent inspections and biannual cleanings helps keep moisture at bay, preventing significant damage, health risks and costly repairs down the road. Regular maintenance of both your dryer and its vent system will maximize performance, safety and the lifespan of your appliance.

When lint, dust and debris clog up dryer vents over time, they dramatically reduce – or even completely block – airflow through the vent ducting. As a result, moisture from wet clothes remains blocked inside the dryer and vent during and after drying cycles. This trapped moisture then accumulates within the vent system itself, causing […]