Bird Removal Through Habitat Modification

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Bird Removal Through Habitat Modification

Many bird species congregate and nest in specific habitats that provide them with food, water, shelter, and breeding spots. By modifying or denying access to these essential habitats, bird removal companies can make an area less habitable for birds and encourage them to relocate. Some common habitat modification techniques include:

Removing Access to Food Sources.

First,removing spilled feed, uncovered trash, installation of wire mesh over dumpsters, and clearing standing water from bird baths, pet bowls, and gutters can reduce available food supplies for birds. This will force them to search for new feeding areas.

Blocking Nesting and Roosting Spots.

In addition,installing bird spikes, netting, wire, or dense foliage over areas where birds like to nest, roost, or perch can make those spots unsuitable for birds. Things like beams, ledges, railings, signs, and buildings where birds frequently land or build nests are common targets for habitat modification.

Eliminating Access to Water.

Moreover,covering or diverting any standing water sources including ponds, creeks, gutters, pet bowls, etc. removes access to water which all birds need. Also,birds will move on to find a new location with an available water supply.

Excluding Entrances to Sheltered Areas.

Finally,installing bird netting, wire mesh, or barriers over openings to areas such as under decks, in attics, under eaves, and inside barns or sheds prevents birds from accessing sheltered spaces. Then,this forces them to relocate to find roosting and nesting spots.

In summary,through persistent and comprehensive habitat modification techniques, bird removal companies can make properties and areas less habitable for birds over the long run without the use of lethal control methods. By removing access to food, nesting sites, water, and shelter, most bird species will naturally vacate the location in search of more suitable habitats. Habitat modification is a humane and eco-friendly approach to encouraging birds to relocate from problem areas.

Many bird species congregate and nest in specific habitats that provide them with food, water, shelter, and breeding spots. By modifying or denying access to these essential habitats, bird removal companies can make an area less habitable for birds and encourage them to relocate. Some common habitat modification techniques include: Removing Access to Food Sources. First,removing spilled feed, uncovered trash, installation of wire mesh over […]