Bird Removal: Hazing

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When birds become a nuisance problem, hazing provides a non-lethal solution to discourage birds from utilizing certain locations.


Firstly, noisemakers like propane cannons, bangers and screamers produce loud, sudden noises that startle birds. These frighten birds and condition them to avoid the area, though noisemakers must be moved occasionally to remain effective. Apply for permits if required.

Motion-Activated Lights

Secondly, lights triggered by motion or sounds flash brightly when birds are present. Strobe lights in particular disorient birds and make areas seem unpredictable. Install multiple lights covering the entire problem zone. However, the lights must be repositioned periodically.


Additionally, lasers produce beams of light that birds perceive as a threat. When a laser dot travels randomly over an area, birds become stressed and avoid that location in the future. Green lasers effectively discourage most bird species. Though lasers are non-lethal, proper safety precautions must be followed.

Water Spray

Moreover, spraying birds with water when they land creates an undesirable environment. Water triggers birds’ preening behaviors and makes flying difficulties. Install soakers, sprinklers or use hoses set on mist that cover areas of concern. This conditioning may require days or weeks of consistent spraying.

Visual Scare Devices

Furthermore, brightly colored twirling streamers, silicon snakes, and inflatable owls and hawks mimic predators, keeping birds away. Move objects regularly and use in combination with other hazing methods for best results. However, some birds will acclimate over time requiring changes.

Physical Barriers

Lastly, netting and wire grids over structures where birds perch or nest make areas physically inaccessible. The inability to land discourages birds from utilizing those locations. Select netting material based on the target bird species for effectiveness.

In summary, hazing provides a safe, humane and effective technique for discouraging birds from utilizing certain areas on a temporary basis. Though no single method deters all species equally, combining noisemakers, lights, lasers, water spraying and physical barriers into an integrated approach helps ensure birds condition avoidance to specific locations over time.