Bird Exclusion Techniques

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bird exclusion techniques

While repellents and traps can be used to discourage birds from an area, exclusion methods are the most reliable way to remove birds and prevent them from coming back. Exclusion involves physically blocking birds from accessing structures where they roost or nest. When performed by experts, exclusion techniques ensure humane and permanent bird removal.

How Exclusion Works

First, professionals inspect structures to identify entry points birds are using, such as:

  • Gaps and holes
  • Open wall cavities
  • Spaces between roof tiles
  • Open chimneys
  • Vents and pipes
  • Fascias and eaves

Then, they then seal off these access points using materials tailored for the application:

  • Wire mesh
  • Sheet metal
  • Netting
  • Foam
  • Silicone caulk
  • One-way doors and v-tracks

Exclusion Materials and Techniques

Wire Mesh & Metal

Sheet metal and wire mesh are installed over larger openings. They are cut to fit precisely and secured with fasteners.


In addition, netting is stretched taut and anchored over areas to block bird paths. It comes in different thicknesses to exclude certain species.


Also, expanding foam is sprayed into holes, crevices and cavities to seal gaps where birds nest and roost. It fully hardens and adheres tightly.

One-Way Doors & V-Tracks

Sliding doors allow birds to leave but not reenter, while V-tracks on ledges physically block birds from landing.

In summary, exclusion bird removal is the most effective method for resolving a bird problem permanently. Repellants only work while actively deployed, and traps just relocate birds that may return. In contrast, physically preventing birds from accessing structures where they take shelter and nest guarantees they will not come back. Reputable companies use non-lethal exclusion techniques to seal entry points tailored for each bird species and application. Once exclusion is achieved, removal is complete, and birds will naturally find new habitat elsewhere.

While repellents and traps can be used to discourage birds from an area, exclusion methods are the most reliable way to remove birds and prevent them from coming back. Exclusion involves physically blocking birds from accessing structures where they roost or nest. When performed by experts, exclusion techniques ensure humane and permanent bird removal. How […]